The Wolfpack
First screened in June 2015
Director: Crystal Moselle. Documentary about six brothers and one daughter kept in virtual captivity in a Lower East Manhattan public-housing apartment by their strict father and cowed mother. Interview subjects include Bhagavan Angulo, Govinda Angulo, Jagadisa Angulo, Krsna Angulo, Mukunda Angulo, and Narayana Angulo. Twitter Capsule:
Compelling moments and an obviously unique tale lost in haphazard organization and a lack of any clear point of view.
Second Capsule:
Does anyone else smell a rat with The Wolfpack? Beyond being erratically structured, so many details and questions seem barely to add up.
Best-case scenario: a durable human-interest story that is surely nobody's idea of coherent filmmaking. Worst-case: an object-lesson in how to pull wool over lots of eyes.