Wild Side
First screened in January 2010
Director: Sébastien Lifshitz. Cast: Stéphanie Michelini, Edouard Nikitine, Yasmine Belmadi, Josiane Stoléru, Corentin Carinos, Perrine Stevenard, Benoît Verhaert, Christophe Sermet, Veronika Pereverzeva, Fabrice Rodriguez, Amine Adjina, Antony Hegarty. Screenplay: Stéphane Bouquet and Sébastien Lifshitz. Twitter Capsule:
[Withheld until I revisit the movie. No longer trust my recalled response.]
Trans-themed drama avoids exoticism or voyeurism, even despite love-triangle angle. Somewhere between repeating and deepening Lifshitz's style in prior films. Merits a second look.