William S. Burroughs: A Man Within
First screened in July 2011
Director: Yony Leyser. Documentary about the legendary Beat-associated author of Naked Lunch and other texts. Interview subjects include Laurie Anderson, David Cronenberg, Diane DiPrima, Patti Smith, John Waters, and Peter Weller. Screenplay: Yony Leyser.

Twitter Capsule: Evocative portrait if largely familiar. The reverence gets a little thick. Striking gun scenes.

VOR:   Watched this in the midst of Burroughs research. Might have been too immersed to be struck by its originality. Then again, if even I couldn't get too worked up...

Photo © 2010 Oscilloscope Pictures/BulletProof Film

Not yet reviewed in full. Grade: B–

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