Trapped (2016)
First screened in March 2016
Director: Dawn Porter. Documentary about abortion providers trying to stay open amid current and pending laws that severely limit the availability of their services. Interview subjects include June Ayers, Andrea Ferrigno, Gloria Gray, Willie Parker, Nancy Northup, and Dalton Johnson. Screenplay: Sari Gilman and Dawn Porter.

Twitter Capsule: My kind of superhero movie. Formally modest, but courage and fortitude of these embattled abortion providers are inspiring.

Second Capsule: May be the most important movie you're not hearing about while media is wall-to-wall Batman.

VOR:   Documentarians may not take stylistic notes here but the incentive to cover on-the-ground struggles in a timely, candid way could stand to spread.

Photo © 2016 Abramorama/ITVS/Big Mouth Productions

Not yet reviewed in full. Grade: B

Sundance Film Festival: Special Jury Prize for Social Impact Filmmaking

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