Tabu (2012)
First screened in January 2013 / Most recently screened in January 2020
Director: Miguel Gomes. Cast: Teresa Madruga, Laura Soveral, Isabel Cardoso, Ana Moreia, Carloto Cotta, Manuel Mesquita, Cândido Ferreira, Henrique Espírito Santo, Luís Gaspar, Ivo Müller, Bernardo Máquina. Screenplay: Miguel Gomes and Mariana Ricardo. Twitter Capsule:(2013)
Shimmering bicameral wonder; each half is more than meets the crocodile eye. Politically, emotionally, and semiotically smart.
Twitter Capsule:(2019)
Among the decade's most visually gorgeous movies. Exerts the most hypnotic, uncanny, where-is-this-going storytelling power.
Deliriously ambitious, original, and image-savvy. Viewers will debate the pointedly white, Eurocentric POV, but I think the movie's about that.