First screened in May 2020
Director: Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet. Cast: Gianni Buscarino, Angela Nugara, Vittorio Vigneri, Carmelo Maddio, Angela Durantini, Simone Nucatola, Ignazio Trombello, Giovanni Interlandi, Giuseppe Bonta, Mario Baschieri. Screenplay: Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet (based on the novel Conversation in Sicily by Elio Vittorini). Twitter Capsule:
It's not just that you can't go home again. Home was always full of grim histories, cross purposes, and unasked questions.
Second Capsule:
While I can value these directors' tactics if I push myself, the truth is that it's hard for me to relate to wanting movies to be like this.
I have to grant Straub and Huillet that their incredibly austere approach to all facets of cinema are estranging enough to enable new ideas.