The Shade
The Shade
First screened in May 2020
Director: Raphaël Nadjari. Cast: Richard Edson, Lorie Marino, Barbara Haas, Jeff Ware, Jacob Lavin. Screenplay: Raphaël Nadjari (based on the story "A Gentle Creature" by Fyodor Dostoevsky). Twitter Capsule:
So desultory with motive, scenario, and character, it feels like reels are missing. Rudimentary style. Actors look lost.
Second Capsule:
Mishandled adaptation, where whole beats and swerves make no sense if you don't know the Dostoevsky, yet his story and theme feel distorted.
I'd love to extend credit for taking on and reimagining a tricky narrative that's already attracted Bresson and Loznitsa, but this is almost entirely cautionary.