The Myth of the American Sleepover
First screened in August 2014
Director: David Robert Mitchell. Cast: Claire Sloma, Marlon Morton, Amanda Bauer, Brett Jacobsen, Mary Wardell, Annette DeNoyer, Wyatt McCallum, Shayla Curran, Christopher Simon, Drew Machak, Madi Ortiz, Jade Ramsey, Nikita Ramsey, Douglas Diedrich, Olivia Coté, Kathleen McEneaney, Danny Agar, Amy Siemetz, Amelia Anderson, Mai Hlee Xiong. Screenplay: David Robert Mitchell. Twitter Capsule:
Melancholic understatement is film's distinguishing virtue and its key, anesthetic shortcoming.
If anyone needed reassuring that a high-school ensemble movie can tilt introverted and morose, and star "real"-looking actors, here you go. Taciturnity a risk in this context.