Edge of the Knife
aka SGaawaay K'uuna
First screened in September 2018
Directors: Gwaai Edenshaw and Helen Haig-Brown. Cast: Tyler York, Willy Russ, Adeana Young, Leo Gagnon, Brandon Kallio, Diane Brown, Greg Brown, Zachary Collison, Sam Derrick-York, Xiila Taayii Guujaaw, Sphenia Jones, Trey Rorick, Erica Jean Ryan, Harold Williams, Vernon Albert Amos Williams, Delores Churchill, Jane Kristovich, Sherri Dick. Screenplay: Gwaai Edenshaw, Jaalen Edenshaw, Graham Richard, and Leonie Sandercock.

Twitter Capsule: Avoids idealist ethnography but its interesting mix of the old and modern grows crasser in imagery and style.

VOR:   Uniqueness, whether stylistic (at first) or cultural/contextual (throughout), makes this movie valuable, even as execution starts to fray and coarsen.

Photo © 2018 Niijang Xyaalas Productions, Ltd.

Not yet reviewed in full. Grade: C+

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