The Bella Vista
First screened in October 2012 / Most recently screened in March 2019
Director: Alicia Cano Menoni. Cast: Alcides "Patón" Lerena, Agustina Aguëro Silva, Elisa Pepasqua, Fabiana Dinardi, Alex de los Santos, Gladys "Pichonga" Tomasco, Cecilia Lucas, Leticia Cuba, Marta Andreu, Rosalba Oxandabarat, Rocío Menoni, Pepe Cano. Screenplay: Alicia Cano Menoni. Twitter Capsule:(2012)
Minor, subtly self-subverting semi-doc does everything right, relaying duel between soccer team and travesti club.
Second Capsule:(2019)
Aging soccer team steals back old clubhouse from local trans women. Quasi-doc blurs binaries of gender and genre.
Documentaries with an unclear relation to scriptedness are not new, but this is a shrewd, mysterious case. The local figures smartly for the global.