Abuse of Weakness
aka Abus de faiblesse First screened in September 2013
Director: Catherine Breillat. Cast: Isabelle Huppert, Kool Shen, Christophe Sermet, Laurence Ursino, Ronald Leclercq, Daphné Baiwir, Tristan Schotte, Dimitri Tomsej, Marc De Bodin De Galembert, Nicolas Steil, Patrick Van Ackere, Jean-Françoise Lepetit. Screenplay: Catherine Breillat. Twitter Capsule:
Strong early on medical insult and late on passive self-sabotage. Middle is a rut. Sex Is Comedy more revealing.
Film makes a somewhat wan case for itself, though it's indispensable for Breillat fans and a smart idea for Huppert disciples, which ain't nothing. Good study in how a finale can save a film.