aka Bones
First screened in August 2014
Director: Pedro Costa. Cast: Nuno Vaz, Vanda Duarte, Mariya Lipkina, Isabel Ruth, Ana Marta, Miguel Sermão, Inës de Medeiros, Berta Susana Teixeira. Screenplay: Pedro Costa.

Twitter Capsule: Certainly charts its own course. If anything, sound and framing are too studied, story too opaque, but I dig what it's up to.

VOR:   Portrays anhedonia without producing a strictly anhedonic experience. That's a feat, and palette and framings are unique. Grim auteurism, aestheticizing poverty nothing new, though.

Photo © 2007 Madragoa Films/Gemini Films/Zentropa Productions

Not yet reviewed in full. Grade: B

Venice Film Festival: Best Cinematography (Emmanuel Machuel)

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